Raglan Surf Academy students attend judging course

Raglan Surfing Academy
Raglan Surfing Academy

The Raglan Surfing Academy partnered up with Surfing New Zealand to put sixteen students through the ISA Judging Course last week. The course was held in preparation for the New Zealand Schools Surfing Competition being held at Manu Bay this week.

The event caters for over 150 students from around New Zealand competing in school teams. The event is managed from start to finish by the students attending the Raglan Surfing Academy and they gain NCEA credits for their hard work.

The sixteen surfers that attended the course learnt international best practice for judging and the skills required to judge at a national level. Completion of the course also gains students further credits towards NCEA.

The students will use their judging skills at the event this week and will also work toward getting their hours completed to become qualified judges. They will then have the ability to work at national events around the country.

The New Zealand Schools Surfing Competition has been postponed by one day and will now commence on Wednesday (24th August) due to the small swell forecast for the beginning of the week at Raglan. Expect a rise in swell throughout Wednesday with moderate southwest winds which will provide good conditions for the event.

Keep an eye out for updates on the event this week. If you are interested in attending the judging course then get in touch with Lee Ryan at Surfing New Zealand – lee.ryan@surfingnz.co.nz.

Media Release: Surfing NZ, by Ben Kennings

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