Raglan Special Pre-Xmas Promotion

The Raglan and Huntly i-sites and the Raglan Chamber of Commerce are joining forces to promote Raglan in the period prior to Boxing Day.

i-deal for gifts!
i-deal for relaxing!
i-deal for fun!
What is it?

The i-dea is to drive additional tourist traffic from the i-sites to Raglan businesses that might otherwise be missed during the pre holiday period.
The i-deal is an incentive for travellers to include Raglan in their travel itinerary especially on the Auckland to Waitomo to Rotorua circuit.
All Raglan businesses. activity operators and accommodation providers are invited to participate in this promotion by offering a discount on goods or services in the period 11-26 December.
We are suggesting a discount of up to 10%.
How it works:
Participating Businesses will:
-Offer a discount or special deal (i-deal) for the period 11-26 December only to customers who present a card they have obtained from the i-site.
-Display a poster advertising their participation in the i-deal promotion.
-Keep a record of how many customers presented the card.
Contribute to the cost of promoting the deal by donating $20.00 to the i-site (A registered charity
so donations are tax deductible)
Benefit to Operators:
-Tax deductible contribution to costs.
-Shared inexpensive advertising expense.
-Measurable promotion scheme.
-Joint promotion of the benefits of shopping in Raglan.
-Build customer base through drawing people who do not normally shop with you.
If this visitor incentive proves effective other similar promotions may be run in the important shoulder and winter seasons.
What to do now:
Please respond to anthea@raglan.org.nz via Email by noon this Friday 2nd Dec 2011 saying YES!

Raglan-I, 13 Wainui Road, P.O. Box 231, Raglan, 3225. www.raglan.org.nz, ph 07 8250556


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