Along with the rest of New Zealand, Raglan shops are shut apart from ones providing essential services. In Bow Street, just the Pharmacy and the SuperValue are open. A few people walk on the footpath.
The Raglan Pharmacy is letting just one person in at a time to a confined area just inside the front door. Others wanting service have to queue in hopscotch system of yellow and black crosses glued 2 metres apart on both sides of the footpath. While in the hopscotch queue shoppers are chatty discussing how the emergency is affecting them. Inside the shop a marker keeps the single shopper the right distance back from the counter. After each use of the EFTPOS machine it is wiped with a sterilising pad.
Further up the street, the Raglan SuperValue is busy, but not as busy as normal Saturday would be. Red tape stuck to the floor guides shoppers checking out on how far to stand back. The checkout team uses hand signals to stop or advance shoppers to the checkout one at a time.