Raglan sewage spill cleared- now OK for swimming

Media Release: Waikato District Council, 1 April 2016

Raglan spill cleared

Test results on water samples taken from Raglan Harbour show the water quality has returned to safe marine recreational levels meaning that it is safe for swimming.

The harbour will not be cleared for fishing until 3 April and collection of seafood cannot resume until 24 April.

While this means it is safe for the public to enjoy the harbour again, warning signs to prevent the taking of seafood will remain in place until the dates given.

Site of the Marine Parade sewage spill – Photo shows new storage tanks being constructed – Image John Lawson

Waikato District Council General Manager Service Delivery Tim Harty says, “The Council wants to extend its thanks to the Raglan community for their patience in this matter. An investigation into the cause of the spill is underway and our findings will be shared once it’s completed.”

2 thoughts on “Raglan sewage spill cleared- now OK for swimming”

  1. Does anyone understand why it’s taking so long to finish the tank work and reopen Nihinihi Ave? I went past several times today, but there seemed to be no work going on.

    1. WDC when asked said on 2nd April, “The work took longer than anticipated because of difficult ground conditions which made installation of the sheet piles slow.

      Tim Harty, General Manager Service Delivery

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