Raglan Redoubt site to be put on heritage register

Composite map with part of old survey plan SO 1437 overlain on a modern cadastral plan showing the location of the redoubt and courthouse/blockhouse on the west side of Wi Neera Street. From report, Raglan Footbridge Replacement: Assessment of Archaeological Values by Warren Gumbley and Sian Keith, Consultant Archaeologists

Following extensive research, the site of Raglan’s 19th century town redoubt in Wi Neera St is to be listed as a heritage site. Known as  Putoetoe Redoubt (Former), the area covers the harbour side of Wi Neera Street (Numbers 1 to 5), Raglan. The NZ Historic Places Trust (NZHPT) advertised its intention to list the property in the Waikato Times on April 30th. The suggestion to list the redoubt came from the Raglan & District Museum Soc. Inc.

NZHPT says that the Putoetoe Redoubt (Former), Raglan, is considered to be a good candidate for registration. The area includes the historic 1893 courthouse cottage at 1 Wi Neera St as well as the modern police station buildings. It has special significance for both Maori and Pakeha due to its history. Built in 1863 on a strategic headland overlooking the safe anchorage of Whaingaroa (Raglan) harbour, the Putoetoe Redoubt (Former) is a rare example of a fortification built during the New Zealand Wars to protect European settlers by Maori who opposed the King Movement.

Following registration, NZHPT recommends that the Waikato District Council place the site on their District Plan Schedule and actively ensure the best care for the place by giving priority to funding preparation of a conservation plan for the redoubt and insitu, 1893 house. The site is both fragile and vulnerable and a condition maintenance report should form part of the Conservation Plan with specific guidelines provided on managing public access, whilst minimising damage.

The NZHPT is now formally seeking views from all people who are directly involved in Putoetoe Redoubt (Former). Further information is on the NZHPT Website www.historic.org.nz requesting submissions on the proposal. The full report can be downlaoded here.

Submissions close on the 1st May 2013.

One thought on “Raglan Redoubt site to be put on heritage register”

  1. Good to see it listed. The report says the courthouse burnt down in the 1960s. It seems to be on the 14 October 1966 aerial photo, though the police station site was empty, but both had been replaced when the 7 Feb 1969 aerial photo was taken.

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