Raglan Police Report- NS Local Bulletin information is from Constable Raewyn McLachlan. If you have any doubts of a situation you can call either Raglan Police at 8258200 or 0800555111. If you are concerned with your own welfare the 0800 number will not ask for any persional details at all.
Hi All
This weeks:
There was a very frustrating and unnecessary incident last Friday night (10/10/14) which involved an unsupervised 18yr old birthday party. The party, held in Wallis Street, was attended by upwards of 150 young people, locals and out-of-towners. There was NO adult supervision organised at all and just one 18yr old trying his best to keep the party running smoothly. Unfortunately the sheer numbers of young people attending made his job impossible, despite his best efforts.
People at the party were coming and going as they pleased with their alcohol and party-goers were also spilling out onto the street drinking alcohol and leaving cans, bottles and cartons on the road.
The sole Raglan Police Officer (me) working at the time went inside the party (backed up by my partner who is not Police) and attempted to lay down a few ground rules to the party-goers. As this was happening, the inevitable fight broke out amongst the young people. That was it. I decided the party was to be closed down immediately. I told them it was closing down and to move on. Luckily for me, two adult locals turned up and assisted my partner and me to clear the house and property. I also called for reinforcements in the form of Hamilton Team Policing unit (with paddy-wagon) and a unit from Huntly also came over to assist.
The party-goers, by the main, accepted this and left the address, but then they all milled around out on the street, continuing to drink alcohol, while they contemplated where to go to next to carry on the partying. Eventually the back-up arrived, but by this time, the teens had moved off, continuing to drink.
A large group was located down at Kopua Domain where they were breaching the liquor ban and dealt with accordingly.
In all, five young people were arrested and taken back to Hamilton for Disorderly Behaviour offenses.
This party had the potential to mushroom into a full-scale riot. The lack of supervision and irresponsible behaviour of the organisers is cause for real concern.
If you or someone you know is contemplating holding a teenage party, the Police website has a Party Pack which provides information on running a safe and well organised party. I urge you to check it out before having your party, so a repeat of last Friday night does not occur.
On another note, the Raglan Volunteer Coastguard launch, “Gallagher Rescue” which has been dry-docked recently at the wharf was broken into and property stolen. I bet if the thieves’ family members were requiring saving at sea, they would want the coastguard launch to be fully equipped to save their loved ones. What must people be thinking!!!