Raglan Police Report

Raglan Police, 13.03.2015

RaglanPoliceStationIMG_3084Things seem to have quietened down a bit here in town.  Police have attended car crashes on SH23 and at Wainui Reserve.  Both resulted in traffic offence notices and infringement notices being issued to both drivers for driver licence breaches, dangerous driving and driving with excess breath alcohol level.

I am pleased to be able to advise that Raglan station will be issued with a speed radar detector very soon.  Hopefully issuing a few speeding tickets may result in locals slowing down.

Just a reminder to ensure that your kids don’t take their valuable electronic devices to school.  There have been a number of thefts of cell phones, i-pods, headphones, money etc from school.  Best to keep these items at home where they are safer.

Thefts are still occurring from unlocked vehicles in town and at the beach carparks.

Winter is on its way.  Make sure your cars are up to scratch for the upcoming wet and slippery weather conditions.  Also time to clean your chimneys.

Stay safe

Constable RMJ440
New Zealand Police | 5 Wi Neera Street | PO Box 10 | RAGLAN 3225
Phone 07 825-8210

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