Raglan newspaper promotes benefits of web advertising

In what might be seen as an unusual step, Raglan’s weekly newspaper, The Raglan Chronicle has run an article promoting the benefits of web advertising.  Raglan Ink publishers of the Chronicle operate two Raglan focused websites.   One is a mirror image of The Raglan Chronicle found at raglanchronicle.co.nz.   This web site has PDF files of each issue of the Chronicle and also a searchable database of articles.  It is usually updated a couple of days after the Raglan Chronicle is published.   The Chronicle’s other web site is RaglanNet, found at raglan.net.nz.

RaglanNet was started in 2000.   When it appeared first it promoted events such as,

  • Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos (yes the Rasta dude) will be at Tongue & Groove on March 8, ‘come and get political !’
  • Sunday Market, every fine Sunday in Bow St Motors Forecourt
  • Hydrophonics @ Centennial Friday 25. also Shellac playing March 2nd with HDU

Over the years the website seemed to lose its way and went through a few owners before being purchased by The Raglan Chronicle.   As reported by The Raglan Website last December it received a much needed facelift and now looks quite tidy.  Much the same information is found on the RaglanNet website as on raglanchronicle.co.nz, except that articles are posted progressively during the week.   The Chronicle’s article promoting web advertising describes how RaglanNet uses a list of Google search terms as its main marketing method.

Rodger Gallagher, proprietor of The Raglan Website said,  “I agree with the Raglan Chronicle article.   Our advertisers are reporting strong sales and referrals.  And these are actual sales not just Google rankings.  What we are doing is building a community of regular visitors to The Raglan Website.”

So it seems that The Raglan Chronicle is on target.  The time is now right for effective web advertising.

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