Raglan Naturally news
- Nominations close September 18
Kia ora koutou,
Since 2017, and after three years of working with the community to revitalise our community plan, ‘Raglan Naturally Feb 2020’ was created.

Through the revitalisation process, it had become clear that the community wanted Raglan Naturally to be kept alive!
The Raglan Naturally Committee hosted three facilitated workshops with our Focus Group coordinators at the end of 2019 where it was agreed that there was a need for an official Raglan Naturally organisation to continue community-led development and support the implementation of the plan.
It was agreed that the best structure would be a co-governance organisation (between Iwi/Hapū and the community), operating as a Charitable Trust. This direction is supported by key community organisations.
We are now in the process of setting up the co-governance organisation as a Charitable Trust and we are putting out a call for nominations for those interested in becoming a Raglan Naturally Trust Board Member. Any and all local community members are welcome to be involved and put forward a nomination.
Trust Objectives
- To oversee and support the implementation of the aspirations and projects documented in the Raglan Naturally Community Plan.
- To work in partnership with iwi and hapū, recognising the intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of the partnership.
- To ensure all people in the Raglan area have ongoing opportunities to be engaged, have input and be informed about the aspirations and projects of Raglan Naturally.
- To work collaboratively and strengthen partnerships with relevant organisations and statutory bodies.
- To create opportunities for Raglan’s communities and organisations to connect and learn from each other.
- To grow community capability by supporting the development of leadership, organisational capacity and skills, through training and provision of resources.
- To support, promote and uphold the mana and values of “Raglan Naturally”.
- To seek funding, policies and resources which promote and support Raglan Naturally to deliver its aspirations and projects.
- To document and share Raglan Naturally values, objectives, processes and achievements, to learn from and /or assist other communities.
- To periodically review and refresh the plan and to evaluate the achievements of Raglan Naturally.
For all information on the Raglan Naturally Community Trust please visit our website at www.raglannaturally.co.nz and go to the ‘Raglan Naturally Trust’ page.
Raglan residents gathered to get involved in the Raglan Naturally Plan.
Are you passionate about Whaingaroa Raglan?
Are you ready to engage in community-led development and represent your local community members?
Do you take pride in this place?
If this sounds like something you (or someone you know) might be interested in, please visit the ‘Raglan Naturally Trust’ page on www.raglannaturally.co.nz to learn more and apply today.
Important Dates:
- Nominations open 27th August
- Nominations close 18th September
Drop-in Sessions to learn more:
Saturday 5th Sept, Raglan Library, 9:30-12:30 pm https://www.facebook.com/events/990330831379662/
Monday 7th Sept, Raglan Info Centre, 10-1 pm https://www.facebook.com/events/947584232429442/
For more info visit our website or contact
Raglan Naturally coordinator Gabrielle Parson
www.raglannaturally.co.nz | 021 844 785
raglannaturally@gmail.com | facebook.com/raglannaturally