On Tuesday, the Raglan Museum opened specially for two visitors from Australia. Although the Museum is closed due to the recent theft of the Nazi flag on ANZAC day, it can still be opened on request. Judith Hammond is a descendant of the Silcock family who initially settled in Nelson during the 19th century. Some of the Silcock descendents made their way to Te Uku where they farmed for many years.
Judith Hammond and her husband Morrison visited Raglan to study three original letters dating back to the 19th century sent by relatives in England to members of the Silcock family in New Zealand. The letters are normally stored away from the Museum at a secure location. The Hammonds met with Museum members Rodger Gallagher and Seth Silcock. Seth and his late brother have also done a vast amount of family research on the Silcock family and Seth was able to share this with the Hammonds.
The Museum frequently receives request for assistance with family history research and is often able to help out from information in its collection.
Media Release: Raglan Museum 7.05.10
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