Notice of Election, Nomination of Candidates, and Closing Date
Under Section 52 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, I hereby give notice that on Saturday, the 9th day of October 2010, the following elections will be held under the First Past the Post electoral system by postal vote:
- Election of Mayor
- Election of TWO members for the Awaroa ki Tuakau Ward
- Election of ONE member for the Eureka Ward
- Election of ONE member for the Hukanui-Waerenga Ward
- Election of TWO members for the Huntly Ward
- Election of ONE member for the Newcastle Ward
- Election of TWO members for the Ngaruawahia Ward
- Election of ONE member for the Onewhero Ward
- Election of ONE member for the Raglan Ward
- Election of ONE member for Tamahere WardElection of ONE member for Whaingaroa Ward
- Election of ONE member for Whangamarino Ward
- Election of SIX members for the Huntly Community Board
- Election of SIX members for the Ngaruawahia Community BoardElection of SIX members for the Onewhero-Tuakau Community Board
- Election of SIX members for the Raglan Community Board
- Election of SIX members for the Taupiri Community Board
- Election of SIX members for the Te Kauwhata Licensing Trust.
I will also be conducting elections on behalf of the Electoral Officers for the Waikato Regional Council, the Waikato District Health Board and Counties Manukau District Health Board. These Electoral Officers will place separate public notices for their elections.
Nominations for all positions open on Monday 23 July 2010 and must be in my hands at 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia not later than noon on Friday 20 August 2010.
Each candidate must be nominated on the appropriate nomination paper obtainable from Council Offices at 15 Galileo Street Ngaruawahia, 7 Bow Street Raglan, 142 Main Street Huntly, 82 Manukau Road Pukekohe; (or for the Te Kauwhata Licensing Trust, from the Te Kauwhata Library, 5A Main Road, Te Kauwhata) and must be accompanied by a deposit of $200 GST inclusive, which may be paid by cash, cheque (made out to the Waikato District Council) or EFTPOS (where available).
A candidate may submit a candidate profile statement with their nomination paper. This statement will be sent out with the voting documents to electors. A Candidate Information Booklet will be available with nomination papers. It includes the rules and procedures governing candidate profile statements. This information is also available on the Council’s website
Preliminary Electoral Rolls
Preliminary Residential and Ratepayer Electoral Rolls for the elections are available for public inspection from Friday 23 July 2010, until 4.00pm Friday 20 August 2010 inclusive at the following locations during normal business hours:
Waikato District Council:
15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday – Thursday,
9.00am to 5.00pm Fridays
7 Bow Street, Raglan 9.00am to 5.00pm weekdays
142 Main Street, Huntly 9.00am to 4.00pm weekdays
Franklin District Council:
82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe 8.00am to 5.00pm weekdays
142 Main Street, Huntly
7 Bow Street, Raglan
4 Jesmond Street, Ngaruawahia
5A Main Road, Te Kauwhata
Roulston Street, Pukekohe
King Street, Waiuku
72 George Street, Tuakau.
The preliminary roll closes at 4.00pm on Friday, 20 August 2010.
Persons may enrol or amend their enrolment details by:
- Completing an enrolment form available at Post Shops, Public Libraries or Council Offices
- Calling 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56)
- Visiting the Elections Website (
Applications for registration as a ratepayer elector are to be in the form prescribed by the Local Electoral Regulations 2001 available from Council Offices, and are required to be forwarded to the Electoral Officer, Waikato District Council prior to the closing of the roll.
Following closure of the roll, the Electoral Officer may, on application of any person who is or claims to be entitled to be enrolled, or any other person, or otherwise, make any necessary corrections to the names, addresses, occupations, abbreviations, or marks appearing in the electoral roll.
Voting Period
The voting period will be from Friday 17 September 2010 to 12noon on Saturday
9 October 2010.
Dated at Ngaruawahia this 14th day of July 2010.
Phillip King
Electoral Officer
Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia
0800 492 452