Raglan Holiday Park and Raglan Library closed

Waikato District Council news

Waikato District Council has closed the Raglan Holiday Park and Raglan Library along with all other council operated community facilities in the Waikato. Raglan Museum has also closed. WDC says it is supporting the national response to COVID-19 to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our communities while continuing to deliver essential services across our district. The Raglan wastewater hui – scheduled for 23 March has been postponed until further notice.

Our Incident Management Team has been established to coordinate and manage resources and we have Business Continuity Plans in place to make sure we can continue to operate as the situation changes.

We have increased cleaning at Council owned sites but it’s important that people continue to practice good hygiene. This includes washing hands thoroughly and frequently and keeping your distance from other people.

All libraries, community halls, pools and camp grounds are now closed.

If you are feeling unwell please do not visit public spaces including Council offices and make sure you seek medical advice via Healthline or your GP.

For the most up-to-date information about the New Zealand COVID-19 situation visit www.COVID-19.govt.nz

Our services

We will continue to provide essential services to our residents. However our staff are following Ministry of Health advice to undertake social distancing. This means avoiding meeting with people when it is not necessary and doing more of our business over the phone or online, where possible.  This includes our Duty Planner service

If a meeting is necessary we will need time to organise a suitable meeting space that has appropriate social distancing (a minimum of 2 metres between  people). 

Closed facilities

The following public facilities are closed until further notice:

  • All libraries
  • Te Kauwhata, Huntly, Raglan and Meremere Council offices
  • Ngaruawahia, Huntly and Tuakau public swimming pools
  • All community halls
  • Raglan Holiday Park
  • Huntly Camp

Urgent LIMs

Due to the resource pressures on our staff, we are currently unable to offer an urgent LIM service. We apologise for the inconvenience. 

Event changes

All Council-run events are being reviewed and as a result, several events have been postponed or cancelled. These are:

  • ANZAC Civic Services in Tuakau and Ngaruawahia have been cancelled.
  • Raglan wastewater hui – scheduled for 23 March has been postponed until further notice.
  • Pound Pups Pool Parties in Ngaruawahia and Tuakau – scheduled for Sunday 29 March and Saturday 4 April, has been cancelled.
  • The Dirty Dog Challenge will be postponed from June to later in the year.

For the latest information on privately run events in the Waikato district please contact the event organiser directly.

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