Media Release: Raglan Greens
The Long Term Plans (LTPs) are more controversial than usual. Raglan Residents & Ratepayers has a meeting tomorrow (Friday 13 April) at 7pm in the Town Hall Supper Room to discuss what is and what isn’t in them and to get Raglan residents working together to have a strong collective voice on their rates and what they are spent on. The district (WDC) plan is at and the regional (WRC) at
The WRC plan is to put off doing anything about rural buses – only 5.2% of spending across the region is going to sustainable forms of transport, though 5% of the Waikato population still don’t own a car, rail carries 18% of regional freight and, in Hamilton, 14% of journeys to work were by sustainable transport in 2006). WDC ignores the problem of overcrowded buses, though $17.156m of general rate is going to roading, of which $3.302m is going to ‘growth’. Airfield fees are going up 50 cents (6%) a year.
WDC’s water rate is rising from $357 in 2011 to $399.84 (12%) in 2012 and changing to a meters in 2013, which WDC claims will increase it to an average $600 and I think a lot more. WDC says 20% of our water is wasted in leaks, etc.
WDC plans capital spending of $1.795m for reserves and $3.556m for sports facilities (mostly in Pokeno).
WRC is considering whether to spend $34m on a new building, or $3m pa to rent it. Staff were up 12% this year, with further increases planned. WDC’s plans for council offices are $206,000 at Raglan and $1.082m at Ngaruawahia.
Money which had been set aside for walkways and footpaths around Raglan now seems to have been switched to give $300,000 to Te Awa Walkway. Now the only footpaths planned are James St in 2013, Bow St/Wainui Rd 2016, Stewart St 2017, Simon Rd 2017, Point St 2018, Rose St 2019, Te Hutewai Rd 2021 and Gilmour St 2021. Kerb & channel is planned for Norrie Av, Point St and James St in 2013 and road upgrades of Norrie Ave 2014, Stewart St & Main Rd 2015.
Local funding is now limited to $29,000 for Surf Lifesaving and $6,500 for Coastguard with no future increases.
Several schemes suggested by the Community Board were rejected by WDC – a Te Uku-Raglan-Whale Bay minibus, upgrade of ‘City to Sea’ walkway to cycleway, use of 1 Wi Neera St, a swimming pool, a Junior Soccer storage shed and an indoor sports complex.
Affordable housing isn’t mentioned. The Habitat for Humanity build on Cross St is now making good progress after WDC delayed it by forgetting to tell them about the increase from 3 to 6 metres in the setback rules.
The Plan also offers an opportunity to reopen the issue of the unfair rates paid by Raglan. Council’s rates review was done over Christmas and was mixed up with the rates revaluation. And there’s lots more too, so I hope to see you tomorrow.
Unfortunately this week’s Chronicle has nothing about the meeting and last week’s didn’t say where it was. Please spread the word.
Please also note in your diaries a series of Raglan Green meetings, at 7pm in the Old School, Stewart St –
Date |
Speaker |
Topic |
30th April |
Eugenie Sage |
Environment |
7th May |
Russell Norman |
Economics |
14th May |
Catherine Delahunty |
Education & Mining |
21st May |
Metiria Turei |
Maori Affairs |
27th May |
Kevin Hague |
Health & ACC |
John Laswon
07 825 7866.