![The Gilmour Street proposal](https://www.raglan23.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/190512-Gilmour-St.jpg)
After “missing” the design for the Gilmour Street stormwater and urban upgrade works from the March Raglan Works & Issues Report, WDC staff have now provided it to the Community Board for review. Waikato District Council staff say they are seeking the Raglan Community Board’s feedback on the design of the $400K project and that staff will attend the meeting on Tuesday 14th to discuss approach and timing.
The preliminary design involves the upgrade of Gilmour Street, including stormwater upgrade, kerbing, pavement rehabilitation and widening, and footpath.
- Key features of the urban upgrade proposed are:
• Widening of the chipseal pavement to 7.4m wide allowing 2.4m wide parking on one side or the other with 3m wide lane both directions. It is not intended to road mark a centreline or parking. The random parking will contribute to a low speed environment for any through traffic - Single cross fall pavement to drain to left (high – southeast side) in sympathy with existing pavement shape. Concrete kerb on the high side) RHS and flush concrete nib on the low side (LHS).
- Concrete footpath 1.5m wide on the LHS.
- Grassed swale LHS between the proposed footpath and the pavement to alleviate the current nuisance secondary flow paths that run through several private properties, and to provide some soakage and filtering before entering the stormwater network on Stewart St.
The estimated cost for the urban upgrade works including footpath, swale and road rehabilitation and widening is of the order of $400,000 excluding design costs. Stormwater and wastewater upgrade costs will be dependent on the design and extent of raingardens and devices needed.
It is intended to construct the stormwater swale and associated works in Gilmour Street, as well as stormwater treatment devices in Stewart Street next construction season with the footpath, pavement rehabilitation and widening works to follow.