Raglan community board meets Tuesday 11th May

The Raglan Community Board meets in the Town Hall supper room on Tuesday 11th May.  The meeting commences with a community forum at 1.00pm followed by the meeting proper at 1.30pm.  The full agenda is available by clicking on this link  Raglan Agenda It includes:-

  1. Wharf burnt down on 13 April and, after fire investigation, was cleared by 21 April. Insurance to be settled. Structure being checked. Projects to be re-evaluated. “Does Council have an obligation to provide ice for the Raglan fishing fleet?”

  2. Footbridge “The final design has been informally discussed with the Community Board”.

  3. St Lazarus Trust has asked Council to reapply for funding [$100,000] for museum. “Council will keep the Board informed” about plans [I have a copy of some of the plans for a 2-storey building, but they’re not in the agenda]. Going ahead with tenders.

  4. Sewage spilt on 9 and 25 April into Cross St drain and onto beach below 46 Government Rd. Pipes crossing drains will now be inspected and a pipe replaced.

  5. Dog litter bags to be put at airfield path. Dog and parking control to be discussed at meeting.

  6. Wainui Rd bridge handrail report says it is 2cm lower than required for a new structure. Raising it is estimated at $60,000 and not recommended. Water main replacement on bridge to be tendered in May.

  7. Funding – $8,428 remains in the fund. La Sacra Tierra [Two artists planning a community art installation of an earth art circle] want $2500 for this art project on the wharf.

Agenda summary provided by John Lawson of Whaingaroa Environmental Defence.   Let WED know if you need help to take up any of these issues, or any not included on the agenda; eg the bus shelter programme.

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