Raglan Community Board discretionary fund applications now 3 times a year

Application dates for Waikato District Council’s Community Discretionary Fund have changed from monthly to three times a year.  This includes applications to the Raglan Community Board’s discretionary fund.

General Manager Stakeholder Relations, Jo Ireland said this will make it easier for community groups and schools to plan for events and activities funded by the scheme.

“The three dates allow a more streamlined application process and give our community groups and schools a better chance for successful application,” she said.

“This year, funding will be shared amongst a number of projects and events that will enhance the cultural, sporting and creative wellbeing of our local communities.”

Applications for funding under the Community Discretionary Fund close on 11 February, 13 May and 12 August. The three categories for funding are Rural Ward Discretionary Funding, Events Sponsorship and Community Board Discretionary Funds.

For more information on the Community Discretionary Fund visit Council’s website www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz, or call 0800 492 452.

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