Raglan Community Board Agenda for meeting on 8th November

The Community Board meets on Tuesday 8 November at 3pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 2.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues.

Commentary on agenda provided by John Lawson of Whaingaroa Enviromental Defence:

The agenda at http://waidc.govt.nz/Documents-Library/Files/Your-Council/Agenda-2011/111108_RCB_A.aspx includes:

Long term plan RCB asked to complete list of priorities, but WDC Water agenda included these as ‘floating line’ projects – 2012/13 – swimming pool study $15,000, Wainui Reserve bridge $100,000, Cliff St fence to protect overhang $20,000, Papanui Pt $15,000 ($230,000 for carpark in 2016), beach revegetation and access $20,000. 2015 Wainui Reserve bus and information shelter $150,000, 2016 Bow St jetty renewal $10,000, Manu Bay road seal $100,000.

Wainui Reserve plan (in WDC water agenda, but not RCB agenda) propose committee to hear submissions with 2 members from each of WDC, RCB, Reserves Committee & tangata whenua.

SH23 80kph (only Te Uku in RCB agenda) NZTA propose extending 3km on Raglan side of Whatawhata and 800m at Te Uku.

Greenslade Rd subdivision in correspondence list.

Wharf shed building expected to start January.

Privet workshop report with recommendation to put written consultation to residents asking if they want privet banned.

Although RCB has an Action Register at the end of the agenda, there are still many issues which seem in danger of being forgotten. One is consultation about the bus fare increase. Others are the projects funded in this years plan, for example the $64,137 set aside for the Whale Bay-Wainui Reserve walkway (discussed at our September meeting) and another $81,517 for Raglan Walkways (Te Ahiawa to Karioi is recommended for external funding). There’s also no mention of the hospital, though the minutes mention the trust being invited to provide an overview. Another probably controversial report not in the RCB agenda says that 63% of Waikato has fluoride in their water and recommends extending it to the rest of us. Let us know if you think WED should take up some of these.

Hope to see you at the RCB meeting.

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