Raglan Club locked in with Fresh Choice

Raglan Club members will vote 10am Sunday at a Special General Meeting on whether to sell some or all of the Club’s properties at 22 Bow Street and 21 James Street. The three resolutions to be considered at the meeting appear to allow the Club’s Executive Committee to negotiate the best deal for Club members.

Raglan 23 has learnt from an anonymous source that the Club Executive are already locked into a deal with the Fresh Choice supermarket with an exclusivity contract signed on 13th October. The wording in the contract, printed on Raglan Club letterhead, provides an exclusivity period for Fresh Choice  regarding the shared site. The agreement is between Raglan Club Inc. and Sanjay Sharma or his entities. (Mr Sharma is a part owner and Director of: Te Kuiti Liquor Centre Ltd, Parma Sharma Investments Ltd, Sharma Group NZ Ltd, Rora Street Investments Ltd and Pavan Sharma Raglan Ltd [owner of the Raglan Supervalue]).

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