Raglan bus stories on agenda along with lessons from Paris and the UK

Getting on the Raglan bus - Image John Lawson
Getting on the Raglan bus – Image John Lawson

The regional public transport forum is meeting in Hamilton later this week with an agenda showing an item of what they say are, “Raglan Community Transport stories”. They also say that there’s a special treat on the agenda at this meeting and they are urging people to come along and enjoy a very special opportunity (with photos)  on community transport lessons learned from Paris and the UK. 

Sounds an interesting meeting that Raglanites might consider going to if they can find a bus to get them there.

What: Waikato Public Transport Forum
When: 1 – 3pm Monday 18th April 2016
Where: Community Waikato Meeting Room
33 Victoria St, Hamilton

Purpose: An opportunity to build relationships, and share knowledge and information in support of rural transport initiatives and projects in the Waikato region.

Karakia timatanga, welcome

  1. Previous Minutes
  2. Raglan Community Transport stories
  3. Community transport lessons from Paris and the UK (with photos)
  4. Impact of new health and safety regulations on community transport providers
  5. Tokoroa community transport update
  6. Round the Region (everyone)

Karakia whakamutunga, close


RSVP: Paul Keesing 13 April 2016 to
Waikato DHB paul.keesing@waikatodhb.health.nz

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