Raglan Bus Service has been retendered

Getting on the bus – Image John Lawson

Waikato Regional Council says that requests for tenders for five bus services including Raglan were released to the market on 15 February 2016. These tenders will closed on 15 April 2016. A tender evaluation process has commenced with an intention of awarding contracts during July/ August 2016.

The commencement of new contracts will coincide with the roll out network improvements within Hamilton as confirmed in the RPTP.

WRC says the commencement date for new contract for West (Raglan) will be 18 April 2017. The Council says that it will prepare a business case looking at the potential for improvements to be considered once the outcome of the tender processes is known.

Although Raglanite John Lawson asked the Council what the likely timetable for consulting and preparing a business case for the Raglan 23 service would be, they have not released any information yet.

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