Calling all budding gardeners. Now that ‘spring has sprung’, it’s time for gardeners to start perfecting their gardens for the Best Garden Competition 2010.
Sponsored by the Waikato District Council and Raglan Community Board, the annual Best Garden Competition is back.
Keep your eyes open for entry forms, which are being delivered next week throughout the district.
There are plenty of categories to enter, and prizes to be won. Council encourages as many residents as possible to take part.
This year’s categories include: Best Children’s Garden; Best Street Appearance; Best Vegetable/Edible Garden; Best Novice Garden (1st & 2nd year gardens); Best Organic Garden; and Best Established Garden – coastal, rural or urban.
Entries for Raglan’s Best Garden Competition close on Friday 5 November 2010, with judging taking place on 19 November 2010.
Entry forms can be downloaded from Council’s website or picked up from the Waikato Distrcit Council office at 7 Bow Street, Raglan.