New- ArtoWear Gallery available of 2008 entries: Click here
“TIME TO START THINKING, PLANNING & CREATING” – for the 2010 Raglan Artowear Awards. After the huge success of the 2006 and 2008 events, with an over whelming show of support from sponsors, artists and audience the biannual awards is yet again in the planning stages. We want to give you plenty of time to get those creative juices flowing.

2 shows, afternoon and evening – plus morning rehearsal
‘Washed up’ : Recycled (at least 80 %) – Open to all ages
Kiwiana Kitsch : Open to all ages
Be Pacific : Pacifica – Open to all ages
Crazy Creatures : Children’s section – under 13 years
Exhibition : Pre-shown garments
Entry forms will be available from the Raglan Arts Centre and Raglan Chronicle next year.
Any enquiries contact Jean 825 8877 or email