A recent report provided to Raglan Community Board by Waikato District Council had incorrect data for the costs of operating Raglan Aerodrome.
The Council has provided Raglan 23 with the corrected data plus the income for the aerodrome.
“The correct figures are for the mowing and the fencing costs are:
Mowing is around $30-40,000 per year (note there is some commercial sensitivity on this figures hence not the exact figure has been supplied). And fencing is circa $30,000.“The wrong figures were in the report because:
For the fencing – the estimate was calculated using a different style of fencing (post and rail) that has different rates for construction than what is going to be installed (1.2m high deer fencing).
For the mowing – the wrong area using GIS was used for the calculation – ie a bigger area than the actual area mowed.“The revenue from landing fees for the 20/21 financial year was circa $6000.
“Council apologises for the published errors.”
Waikato District Council spokesperson
We have analysed the data supplied by the Council. After the Safety Project is completed the aerodrome will run at an annual loss of $32,786 which works out to be a 546 percent loss in relation to the annual income of $6,000.
The Council has begun work this week on the Safety Project.
The analysis spreadsheet with income and costs:

shut the aerodrome and save ourselves 32k a year that can be spent on something more useful. it seems only a small number of pilots from elsewhere are getting any benefit