Anniversary Weekend coming up means the Raglan Arts Weekend will be with us soon. You can get a taste of the art works which will at the artists’ studios in the preview exhibition which is now open at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre in Stewart St.
The exhibition is open from 10am to 2pm every day from Saturday 17th to Friday 23rd January 2015. The preview exhibition features the artists who are participating in the weekend with each artist will exhibiting one piece.
Saturday 17th to Friday 23rd January 2015
Raglan Old School Arts Centre, Stewart St, Raglan
Visitors are warmly invited to the official launch preview event on Friday 23rd January, 6.30pm at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre, where you can meet the artists and view examples of their work. (Free entry/ cash bar)
Raglan Arts Weekend
Next head to the artists’ open studios around Raglan where you’ll see a bigger range of their work, with work in progress in a unique creative environment. The studios will be open from 10am to 3pm Saturday, Sunday and Monday. There will be clear studio signage with easy access for people of all ages.
The artists will have a range of their work on display and available for purchase, and will be happy to discuss their thoughts and processes with you.
So an ideal time to explore a variety of art forms, meet your favourite
artists or discover new ones.
Copies of the guide are available from the Raglan i-SITE in Wainui Rd, the Raglan Old School Arts Centre in Stewart Street, at Raglan cafés and galleries and many other outlets throughout the Waikato and Auckland.