Associate Minister of Health, Tariana Turia, has acknowledged the passing of Dr Tom Ellison of Taranaki, Ngāti Porou and Ngāi Tahu.
“’Dr Tom’ held a notable presence in Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa Māori Medical Practitioners Association; an organisation which honoured him twice for his distinguished contribution to medicine” said Mrs Turia.
“In 2005, Dr Tom was honoured by his colleagues with the Maarire Goodall Award; which recognises the special contributions made towards improving the health of Māori and Pacific Island peoples”.
“This award is known to be the highest accolade that Māori medical practitioners can pay to a member of the health workforce.
“And then just last year, Dr Tom was awarded the Manu Ao Maori; Māori Doctor Leadership Award – the first recipient of this award – an award which will now be presented annually”.
“From all accounts this was a very special experience, that Dr Tom was honoured in the warmth of his tribal home in Taranaki”.
“Our condolences go out to his wife Sybil, his children, mokopuna, siblings and the wider whanau”.
“And we think too of the many whanau in Raglan who have enjoyed over four decades of expert healthcare from Dr Tom”.
“Our thoughts are with all the people, as they gather at Poihakena Marae in Raglan to mourn a very special member of their community”.
Hon Tariana Turia
Associate Minister of Health
Press Release: New Zealand Government Wednesday, 17 August 2011
17 August 2011
Our deepest heartfelt condolences to Sybil, Sean, Brett and family, Rhys and family – your dad was a family doctors back when we were all kids going to school and growing up together – one big family. We’re sorry that we were not able to make it back to pay our respects and support in person. Our love and support to you all through this time – Arohanui always from the Gulliver Family
Our deepest heartfelt condolences to Sybil, Sean, Brett and family, Rhys and family – your dad was a family doctors back when we were all kids going to school and growing up together – one big family. We’re sorry that we were not able to make it back to pay our respects and support in person. Our love and support to you all through this time – Arohanui always from the Gulliver Family – Marianne, Yolanda, Sale & Mary and all the family
Our deepest, deepest and heartfelt condolences to Dr. Tom’s family… Sybil, Sean, Brett, and family – your father was an amazing you would well know… a most, righteous, caring, honest, and humble man, with his amazing trust and faith in humanity…. a most honourable person to be.
So sorry we cannot be there for you in person.
Lots of Arohanui, from Dr. Ian Marcus (your fellow colleague, friend, and fellow doctor in Raglan) , Zach (Te Maunga Phetu) and Sam.