Panorama of Raglan calendar on sale at last

The photo above is from the December pages of the calendar, which is on sale quite a bit later than usual, due to computer and printing problems.
The photo above is from the December pages of the calendar, which is on sale quite a bit later than usual, due to computer and printing problems.

The ‘2016 Panorama of Raglan calendar’ has recently started selling at the Bookshop, Trade Aid and Bow St Gallery on Bow St and at the Herbal Dispensary, just round the corner. The price is still $15, as it was when the 2009 calendar started off the publication.

The calendar again has 28 pages with 13 large photos and many smaller pictures, most taken by Raglan Ramblers on their weekly walks. It includes photos of the area between Aotea to the south, the summit of the divi to the east and this August page, showing the entrance to the harbour; little wonder that the early explorers failed to spot it.

Each year the calendar helps the Friends of Wainui Reserve fund their work at the reserve. In 2015 the group bought a new weedeater to ease the task of maintaining the reserve tracks. Friends of Wainui, and their founding group, Raglan Ramblers (formed in 1991), both offer free membership and welcome new participants. Friends of Wainui has work mornings on the second and fourth Monday of the month from 9am. Raglan Ramblers walks on Wednesdays are featured on this website each week. Friends of Wainui has planted a bit over 10 hectares of the 140 hectare council reserve with about 15,000 trees since 1993. Many of the remaining gaps have been filled with new planting this year – ring 825 7866 if you’d like to help.

The calendar was started when some ramblers were discussing how many beautiful places there are around Raglan and how many pictures ramblers had taken. The map on the back of the calendar shows how photos have been grouped by area for each month. Most are very close to Raglan, but May portrays the limestone scenery of the Karamu Walkway, June illustrates Te Toto Gorge and July the strange rock shapes of Aotea Harbour.
With late production, the print run has been cut from 600 to 250, so supplies may run out.

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