Earlier this month, Otonga Valley Road resident Clive Hobson wrote to Raglan 23 website about the Hamilton to Raglan bus.
Mr Hobson wrote:
Sir. Allow me to voice a concern, the driver of the bus departing the depot at 3-00pm to Raglan on 4/11/18 seems to have a reputation for going fast. So much so that he flies past the flat area at the end of Otonga Valley Road and stops some 50 or so metres further along the road right alongside a ditch.
This makes alighting the bus a bit of a mission for us pensioners. A slight stumble and we would be on our backsides at the bottom of that ditch. I seem to think that there are a number of drivers who are not aware of the responsibility that they have for the comfort and safety of their passengers.
Another point I would like to raise is that the area at the end of Otonga Valley Road, where the bus that is going to Hamilton stops at, has little area to stand. When the bus pulls off the road so as not to impede the flow of traffic there is little space left to stand between the door and the ditch.
I look forward to a positive outcome for my concerns.
Respectfully yours, Clive Hobson.
We referred Mr Hobson’s letter to Waikato Regional Council. As the Bus Division of the Council has been tied up with the Go Bus lockout for most of November it has taken them some time to get back to Raglan23 website.
Otonga Valley Road intersection with SH 23 – Google Streetview
They have now sent an email (reprinted below) which hopefully will see Go Bus providing a safer service in this area:
Dear Mr Hobson,
Thank you very much for bringing this issue to our attention. I apologise for the experience you had on the Raglan bus and have followed up with the bus company regarding the driver on the 3pm service.
On the Raglan route, drivers can pick up and drop off passengers along State Highway 23 where it is safe to pull the bus off the road, and I know the area you are describing. Just past Otonga Valley Road on the Raglan side, there is a safe place for the bus to pull in and I apologise the driver ‘over-shot’ the area in this case. We’ve drawn this issue to the attention of the bus company (Go Bus) to ensure drivers stop in a place that is safe for passengers to get on and off.
Please do get in touch if you have any further issues, or other suggestions for improvements.
Andrew Carnell
Network Planning and Performance Team Leader