Last night’s first PechaKucha Night at the Old School Arts Centre was a great success with standing room only in the theatre room. The evening started with Dvaid Wimmer giving his presentation on the work that he had and Frank did in Samoa helping the Samoans rebuild ‘upstairs’ after the tsunami. Click here to see David’s presentation Dirk de Ruysscher covered the very interesting bike ride he has developed to the Nikau cave near Port Waikato. The trip includes harbour crossing and two days riding on metal roads with some amazing scenery along the way and of course an unspoilt cave at the overnight stop. Jean Carbon finished the first half with her presentation on traditional textiles along the Silk Road. The ‘Beer Break’ proved very popular and it was difficult to get the audience back for the second half.

Pieter ten Broek’s photos of board and kite sports around Raglan drew gasps of amazement from the audience. Wanda Barker provided a contrast with her history of Femme art and the proposition that it needs to be revitalised. Hilary Ramage covered creative development through a series of prints. Finishing the night was Jon Berczley who took us right from the seed through to putting food on the plate with his gardening passion.
Arts Council Chairperson, Rodger Gallagher said that the PechaKucha Night was one of the most successful events held at the Arts Centre and is everybody is keen for the next evening on the 3rd June.

Full list of presentations: