Come and join Off Road Raglan at the mouth of beautiful Whaingaroa/Raglan harbour for their second Off Road Raglan Challenge – a 10km harbour kayak + 13km cross country/beach run + 30km mountain bike.
You can choose to do it as an individual or teams of two or three. There are options for those competitors who only want to compete in the run + mountain bike, or, who wish to do just the mountain bike.
It is a little something for everyone. There is also a lot for everyone, beautiful harbour views, bush track and lots of soft sand running, and a tough 30km cross country mountain bike – it’s not for the faint hearted.
There are some great spot prizes up for grabs, including biking gear, sports apparel, shoes, cafe and shop vouchers, plus heaps more. Come and enjoy some the great local hospitality and atmosphere.
When: Sat 23 Oct, 9:00am
Where: Kokiri Centre, Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive, Raglan
- Individual Multisport: $80.00
- Team x2 Multisport: $110.00
- Team x3 Multisport: $160.00
- Secondary School Teams per head: $30.00
- Individual Run + Mountain Bike: $60.00
- Team Run + Mountain Bike: $80.00
- Mountain Bike only: $30.00
Phone 07 825 7115 for information
Media Release: Off Road Raglan, 18.10.10