Oct 31: Ramblers head south west to Makaka

This large limestone stack, with ‘Hobbit’ caves behind it, are in the 28 million year old Orahiri Limestone. Image John Lawson
This large limestone stack, with ‘Hobbit’ caves behind it, are in the 28 million year old Orahiri Limestone. Image John Lawson

On the 31st October, Raglan Ramblers will be heading south west to Makaka. Looking back in time in 1847 this area was growing wheat for a new flour mill at Raorao. By the 1880s Ruapuke was growing 200 acres of wheat, 50 of maize and 100 of potatoes. Now everything is in pasture.

The large stack, in the photo with the ‘Hobbit’ caves behind it, are in the 28m year old Orahiri Limestone. This fairly short walk also goes to the edge of the large Toreparu wetland – bring lunch.

Walks usually start 9 am, Wednesdays, they are still starting from James St (near Wallis St), as the Ramblers haven’t decided to go back to meeting near the Fire Station.

There is no membership – the only cost is 10 cents per km to share travel costs. Details from John 825 7866. Check out Raglan Ramblers on Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/RaglanRamblers/.

Each “Rambler” accepts responsibility for any accident or injury received while travelling, or walking over private property. Be prepared – carry enough food, clothing, first aid kit for emergencies and preferably a mobile phone.

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