Oct 28: Raglan Wastewater clear of Covid

Scientific organisation, ESR, says that the latest Covid-19 Wastewater Testing Results up to 23rd October have NOT DETECTED any Covid in Raglan’s wastewater. Previous tests for the 9th and 16th October had detected Covid in Raglan’s wastewater.

ESR carries out this testing on behalf of the Ministry for Health for the presence of SARS CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19. The results of ESR’s testing play an important part of New Zealand’s response to COVID-19, along with community testing and genome sequencing. This early warning can lead to increased local vigilance and clinical testing and allow health authorities to target public health advice to prevent transmission.

There have been no new cases of Covid announced for Raglan over the last few days. The last single case was announced on the 20th October. The last ‘location of interest’ for Raglan was thirteen days ago.

Thursday 28 October 10am – 3pm Covid vaccination is available in Te Uku Hall
Cnr Matakotea Road & State Highway 23, Te Uku.

Raglan is in Covid Level 3.1: The setting for Raglan and the other parts of Waikato will be reviewed on Monday 1 November 2021.

While there are also no new cases of Covid in Raglan, there are still community cases in Hamilton and Te Awamutu. Because of this, Raglan continues to be in the Level 3 area of the Waikato, but we are now on Level 3.1. This means that some restrictions have eased to allow you to meet close friends and whānau:

  • You should continue to work or study from home if you can.
  • You are encouraged to continue wearing a face covering when you leave your home and when physical distancing is not possible.
  • Keep scanning QR codes, or keep another record of where you go.

Outdoor social gatherings between 2 households

  • Outdoor social gatherings between 2 households can go ahead, with a maximum of 10 people. The natural ventilation outside makes it harder for the virus to spread. 
  • You can, for example, invite people from another household over for dinner in your backyard, but they cannot enter your house or use indoor facilities.
  • You are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering and keep 2 metres apart from the other household. 
  • Tamariki (children) can have playdates with 1 other household at a time — as long it is outside and they do not go inside or use indoor facilities.
  • You can meet close friends and whānau from 1 other household at the park for a picnic or BBQ. You cannot travel in the same vehicle as people from the other household.

Specialised healthcare

Updated guidance now allows you to have a face-to-face appointment with healthcare providers such as physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths.

Accessing healthcare at Alert Level 3


You can travel within the Alert Level 3 area you are in, for day trips to do an expanded range of outdoor recreation activities. A maximum of  2 households can gather, with a limit of 10 people. You must maintain 2 metre physical distancing. 

The following activities are permitted:

  • golf
  • hunting
  • sailing and boating — we recommend that boating activities be limited to people from the same household
  • fishing from a private motorised boat or vessel
  • scuba diving
  • jetskiing
  • recreational flying

People from outside the Auckland region cannot travel into Auckland for recreation purposes.

Outdoor exercise classes

Outdoor exercise classes, for example, yoga or bootcamp, should be limited to 10 people (from up to 10 households), including the instructor. Everyone must stay 2 metres apart. 

We encourage you to wear a face covering when you are not exercising. You will not be able to use any indoor changing facilities. 

Find out more about sport and recreation at Alert Level 3

Early learning centres

  • Early learning centres can reopen to all children, with a maximum of 10 children in each bubble.
  • Parents and caregivers must wear a face covering when picking up and dropping off their tamariki.
  • The Ministry of Health is asking early childhood teachers to get tested for COVID-19 before the return to teaching, even if they do not have symptoms. This testing is not a requirement, but is encouraged. Regular testing helps us to identify any undetected chains of transmission in the community.

Find out more about education at Alert Level 3 in Auckland

Activities that cannot go ahead   

At Step 1 many activities cannot go ahead, and most facilities remain closed.    

  • Gyms and indoor recreation facilities cannot open.
  • Overnight stays, for example at your bach or in AirBnB accommodation, cannot happen.
  • Most team sports, such as basketball or volleyball, cannot go ahead.
  • Camping, including hiring a campervan, cannot happen.
  • Businesses must still be contactless, so close-contact businesses such as hairdressers and barbers cannot operate or visit your home, including your backyard.
  • Dentists remain closed except for emergency or urgent care.
  • You can only travel to Waiheke Island or Great Barrier Island (Aotea Island) for recreation if you are a resident there.

Commercial tour or recreational businesses, such as kayak hire or boat tours, should not operate.

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