Oct 20: Raglan Stormwater Meeting

Notes on meeting agenda prepared by John Lawson of WED:

Watercare plan to discuss stormwater from 5.45 on Tuesday 20 October in the Supper Room with this agenda (let me know if you’d like any update on this) –

  • Review of the Annual Report (let me know if you’d like to see this – the latest report is from 2012!)
  • Monitoring results
  • Consent conditions
  • Fish Passage
  • Abatement notice (see page 81-82 of agenda)
  • Proposed Initiatives for discussion:
  • Proposed changes to the current monitoring program (including previous results and findings)
  • Catchpit Inserts (Enviropods) – Engineering standards, maintenance and system performance
  • QR codes for SW reporting and maintenance 
  • Aroaro Wetland management strategy
  • Expectations, limitation, Risks and opportunities including any suggestions for improvement

3 thoughts on “Oct 20: Raglan Stormwater Meeting

  1. Hi I’m not sure what report you are referring to in this article but WDC have submitted to WRC an annual report for the year 18-19 and the report for the 19-20 year is due imminently. WRC produce an audit report on these summitted annual reports from WDC and the 18-19 audit is available to the public. Once the WDC annual report is received for the 19-20 year a further audit of that report will be undertaken. So if the 2012 report is the latest one you have you need to request some more up to date literature, as its all available on request.

    1. Are those reports available on a website? If not, what’s changed since the 2012 report was made available to anyone on the website?

  2. WDC used to post all of our audit reports done on their sites on their website until a few years ago. i thought this was a great idea and very transparent. for some reason they chose to stop doing this. those reports are however public documents and can be requested if WDC are no longer distributing them to their ratepayers.

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