Nov 13: Raglan Community Board meeting

This summary of the community Board agenda was prepared by John Lawson, Secretary of the Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

The next Board meeting is Tuesday 13 November at 2pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 1.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues. 

 Full agenda available here: Agenda

  1. Bow St titoki trees (next to benches on south side) lifting paving, so propose replacement with gardens.

  2. Wi Neera St drain – design by end of month.

  3. Stormwater – plan of Wainui Rd and Stewart St corner. Contractors hit water main on Wainui Rd, cutting off water for about 3 hrs.

  4. Cemetery – awaiting plans for the extension, which includes the RSA area.

  5. Sewage spills – 25 this year, 3 in Aug, 2 in Sep. Rising main replacements by Spartan Construction.

  6. Stewart St – Construction of 9 parking spaces planned for Nov. Developer wouldn’t share costs for their 6. 

  7. Toilet replacements – completion dates – Joyce Petchell done by 2 Nov, Cliff St 14 Dec and Ngarunui Beach 31 Mar. $200,000 funding for Riria Kereopa Memorial Dr toilet transferred to Ngarunui Beach.

  8. Cliff St – Staff to consult residents about one way.

  9. Raglan Naturally survey being done. [You should have had a form in your letterbox, but you may prefer to complete it on-line. Please do!]

  10. Raglan Coastal Reserves 10 Sep and 8 Oct minutes, but not 13 Aug. Soundsplash plans. Reserve Management Plan being drafted. Possibility of ending farming. List of reserve events.

  11. Piako Gliding Club ask to be at airfield 2-20 Jan.

  12. Wharf safety rails – verbal report to be given.

  13. Parking remove proposal for restriction on parking beside wharf boardwalk. Move disabled park to near toilet at wharf. Joyce Petchell and Fire Station carparks to be limited to 2hrs. Joyce Petchell work still awaiting Heritage NZ approval.

  14. Service Request Report – only 1 of 3 sewage overflow or blocked pipe requests dealt with on time.

  15. Town Hall annual report – “A Building Warrant of Fitness has been issued, valid to 23 July 2018.” Rents being reviewed and separate electric meters installed.

  16. Holiday Park annual report – sales up 5%. Wainui Environmental to design stormwater drainage.

  17. Discretionary fund has $9,334. Deadline for next fund applications in 2019. Lions want $1,175 for New Year’s Eve parade. Xtreme want $10,000 for Plastic Free RaglanGolf Club wants $4,500.00 to upgrade the mini putt greens.

Should WED be taking up these or other issues missing from the agenda, such as the Wharf boardwalk, Hills Rd water tower, footpaths, cutting trees on reserves, glyphosate, Trails Strategy ($278,280 to be spent in 2018), volunteer worker safety, parking infringement money, harbour lease, coastguard lease, Puriri Park, cycleways, or land disposal of sewage?

Panorama of Raglan calendars are on sale at Raglan Bookshop, Bow St Gallery, Whaingaroa Organic Kai and Te Uku Store for $15 to raise funds for Kaiwhenua Organics. Please support them.

Hope to see you on Tuesday and remember to complete the Raglan Naturally survey by the end of the month.



Raglan Community Board members are:- Alan Vink, Bob MacLeod, Gabrielle Parson, Lisa Thomson, PJ, Rangi Kereopa, Tony Oosten

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