Nov 11: Waikato District asks if it is on the right track

Raglan Community Meeting:
11 November 2014, 6pm
Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan

Media release: Waikato District Council, 23.10.14

Are we on the right track? Have your say!

Waikato District Council is encouraging residents to come along and hear what’s planned for their communities in the next 10 years.

Council is currently developing its Long Term Plan 2015-25 which highlights key business projects for Waikato district and identifies items which could affect those projects.

Waikato Council CEO Gavin Ion says, "we're coming to your community to share what we feel are key issues "
Waikato Council CEO Gavin Ion says, “We’re coming to your community to share what we feel are key issues” Image supplied

Chief Executive Gavin Ion says over recent months, staff and community representatives have given their feedback on issues and opportunities which could affect the sustainability of their district and prepare chapters for their 10 year story.

“We’ve taken the opportunity to engage with various community partners on a number of topics and we’re keen to continue that activity by joining the local community committee at their monthly meeting. Residents are encouraged to attend so they hear a consistent message from both Council staff and their elected representatives.

“In November we’re coming to your community to share what we feel are key issues for the district’s future and how they could affect your community. This is an opportunity for you to come along, learn about opportunities in your community and help us decide what should be in the next chapter of our story, the Long Term Plan 2015-25.

“We’ve identified three key areas we need to focus on over the next 10 years; managing growth including economic development, affordability and community engagement.”

“This means ensuring we have the right infrastructure in place to support economic development or just making sure we have enough money to pay the bills. We now need the community to confirm whether or not we’re on the right track.”

Mr Ion says it’s important for everyone to be part of the conversation. “Regardless of the role you play you can help our district head in the right direction for the next 10 years.”

Where the meeting will be:

  • Tamahere – 3 November, 6.45pm. Tamahere Community Hall
  • Onewhero/Tuakau – 3 November, 6.45pm. Glen Murray Community Hall, Glen Murray
  • Te Kauwhata – 5 November, 6pm. St John Hall, 4 Baird Avenue, Te Kauwhata
  • Taupiri – 10 November, 6.30pm. Memorial Hall, Greenlane Road, Taupiri
  • Ngaruawahia – 11 November, 6pm. Council office, Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia
  • Raglan – 11 November 2014, 6pm. Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan
  • Huntly – 18 November, 6pm. Riverside Room, Main Street, Huntly

Further details of the meeting locations are available on the WDC website and on their Facebook 

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