Not much heritage in Raglan Whaingaroa

The Council owned historic 1893 Courthouse Cottage at 1 Wi Neera St- decsribed a recent NZHPT report as in a 'fragile' condition.
The Council owned historic 1893 Courthouse Cottage at 1 Wi Neera St- described in a recent NZHPT report as in a ‘fragile’ condition.

Waikato District Council has released a discussion document as the basis for a proposed Waikato District Heritage Strategy. Submissions are open now and the deadline is 4pm on Friday 12 April 2013.

Anyone reading the report might be excused thinking that Raglan Whaingaroa didn’t have much history as the document says just-

Raglan –Whaingaroa:

  • Outcome for the heritage house at 1 Wi Neera Street.
  • Create a heritage trail and include Maaori sites of significance
  • A Waharoa for the museum

That’s it folks – the entire heritage of the Whaingaroa area summed up in 3 bullet points! So you better get submitting.

Mayor Allan Sanson is quoted in the report as saying: “Waikato’s heritage is rich and varied based on a wide range of historic themes that tell us about the past and the present. Heritage is valued because it contributes to our sense of belonging to a distinct locality. Many of us wish to preserve our heritage for future generations.
The council has approved the development of a district-wide heritage strategy. This process has begun with a discussion document to gather more information by seeking your involvement and involvement from all who have an interest in our Waikato heritage.
Please have your say, we welcome your comments.
Allan Sanson, Mayor”


Waikato District Council letter on the strategy document:

Discussion Document for the Proposed Waikato District Heritage Strategy

Tena koutou, kei te mihi nui kia koutou katoa

Waikato District Council has agreed to develop a heritage strategy as a framework to help guide and co-ordinate the management of the district’s heritage. This requires action extending beyond the limitations of Council’s District Plan. Community and Council interactions are the key to effective heritage management.

We have put together a draft discussion document to seek feedback from the public for a Heritage Strategy for the Waikato District. There are heritage practitioners and many residents in the district who have a working interest in the history of the region. You have been identified as being someone who may have an interest in our district heritage and we would welcome your feedback. We would also like to hear from the committees if they have any heritage-related projects and aspirations in mind for the future. These may be projects that could be managed by the community and supported by Council, or they may be initiated by Council.

An electronic copy of the draft document may be accessed via the Waikato District Council website, using the following link:

If you require a printed copy please contact Melanie Hunkin on . Copies may also be obtained from Council offices and libraries.

After feedback is collected from the public we are planning to workshop with the (Council committees and heritage groups) before the final version of the strategy is written.

If you are aware of others in the community who may be interested in contributing to this process, would you please forward this email / letter to them also.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please use the feedback form and email your comments to Melanie Hunkin at before 4pm on Friday 12 April 2013.

Yours faithfully

 Sheryl Paekau


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