of Waikato Regional Council
Your experienced Councillor and advocate
Recently voted the most accessible Waikato District Councillor by ratepayers
- A recognised leader and team player
- Wide range of knowledge and experience in dealing with the District and Regional issues
- Able to make the tough sensible decisions that affect and impact on residents and ratepayers
- 15 years as a Waikato District Councillor
Pragmatic and common sense approach
- Support initiatives to improve the environment including initiatives that lead to improved fresh water quality
- Common sense scientific approach to climate change
- Sustainable farming, horticulture and aquiculture – we need to feed our communities with sustainable environmental practices.
- Support economic development initiatives
- Work with local Councils rather than in isolation of the those Councils
I am a strong advocate for the Waikato District (which makes up the Waikato ward of the Regional Council) and I have the experience, skills and knowledge to take that to the Regional Council. I ask for your support and vote.
Authorised by Noel Smith RD8 Hamilton