Update 27th December. Telecom advises that the two Raglan sites are now live (Bow St near the Town Hall and Wainui Rd, Raglan West near the Raglan West store) Thanks Telecom. See this page on how to use the free WiFi.
Small white plastic cups appeared on the top of Telecom phone boxes in Raglan last week. It seems that these are a sign of Telecom’s rollout of a promised free holiday WiFi service in Raglan.
Last Thursday, Telecom announced that it was installing free WiFi zones in Raglan based on their phone boxes. These zones would work at up to 80 metres away from the phone boxes. But when the Raglan website checked all of Raglan phone boxes on Sunday 23rd with a scanner, it didn’t pick up any WiFi signal from any of the phone boxes, but we did see the small white plastic cups on top of the phone boxes.
We’ve emailed Telecom and asked them if their Raglan phone boxes will provide free WiFi service and if so, when? If they answer we’ll update this posting. If Telecom’s service does start working you can find out how to use it here.
In the meantime anybody wanting free WiFi in Raglan will have to sit outside the library in Bow St and use the Waikato District Council’s ratepayer funded ‘free’ WiFi or sit in one of the many cafes providing free WiFi.
And Raglan is already well covered by the Wanna Internet paid WiFi service.
Hi Rodger, the Free Telecom WiFi sites in Raglan went live the evening of 23 December (we must have just missed your test). They should be live and kicking now and we’ve noticed people using them. Because this is a trial, we hope people enjoy using them and provide feedback on their experience!
Good to hear. Thanks Kerry.