New Stairs at Waireinga-Bridal Veil Falls

Wairenga Falls in 1911 - Gilmour Bros photo, RWG collection

On 3rd February, representatives from Ngati Mahanga and the Department of Conservation formally marked completion of an improvement project in the Waireinga-Bridal Veil Falls Reserve providing much better access to the falls.  The old track involved carefully going down and up steps made from uneven concrete blocks, timber and tree roots.   The new stairway with 261 steps are part of a project which has cost $300,000.    So while its easier to go and up and down, its still quite a climb on the way up.  But it is always worth the effort  and installation of a handrail has made the hard slog back uphill a little easier.

Planning on the project began five years ago and includes many new viewing platforms.  There are also improvements to the walking track.   It will be easier to get good photographic shots from improved lookout spots especially from the lower platform.  The track from the road to the top of the falls is now wheelchair-accessible. Especially designed information panels provide information on the flora of the reserve.  At the opening, DOC’s Greg Martin said that the 218-hectare bush area had been a reserve for over 60 years.  Recently action has been taken by DOC and Motakotako Marae to have the area officially renamed Waireinga-Bridal Veil falls to recognise its original name.   (See 1911 photo where it is called the Waireinga Falls)

Click here for more information on Bridal Veil- Wairenga Falls track and reserve.

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