![The Upper Bow Street, combo street light cell site tower](https://www.raglan23.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/171021-UpperBowCellsite-IMG_2436-768x1439.jpg)
Visitors to Raglan are now greeted by a a new tower close to Raglan’s water tower. Visible from Main Road, the tower appears to rise from the What’s On in Raglan sign opposite the BP.
The tower itself is of the combo street light and cell site type and was installed during the week in Upper Bow Street. the new tower may be a permanent installation to replace the temporary tower installed on the telecommunication exchange site at 19 Wainui Road in December 2014.
The Upper Bow Street tower has been installed on the road verge by 1 Upper Bow Street. See below for comment by John Lawson on the resource consent issued for this new tower.
It did require a resource consent. I think far too many exceptions to the District Plan are being allowed. In May WDC issued a consent (https://wdcsitefinity.blob.core.windows.net/sitefinity-storage/docs/default-source/services-and-facilities/land-and-property/resource-consent-decisions/resource-consents-issued-22—26-may-2017.pdf?sfvrsn=2) for this –
Spark NZ Limited LUC0426/17 1 Upper Bow Street RAGLAN Establish a new roadside telecommunications facility by attaching the equipment to an existing roadside light pole. The NES consent is also required as the proposal does not comply with the District Plan requirements. Granted
Our councillor has asked the planners for an explanation.
Thanks John. Seems odd to say it was ‘an existing roadside light pole’. It is a totally new purpose built tower with a light fitting as part of the tower design.
The new IT tower is a big brother looking eyesore that goes against the concept of Raglan “naturally”. Coming into town visitors and residents are now greeted by this mini sky tower. Why was there no consultation? I do not want to have this thing framing part of my view,looking down on my deck and peering into my door. I want it moved and sited in a less obstrusive place.
Very disappointing that the current WDC regime has allowed this, given all the hard work done by our previous Councillor Clint to remove the wirescape that used to greet people coming into Raglan.