Movies at Old School a sellout

Albatrocity- film by Iain Frengley & Edward Saltau

Friday night’s movies screening at the Old School was a sellout with half a dozen people being turned away.   Filmmakers Guy Ryan and Iain Frengley from Splashroom introduced their movies and answered questions about them.  People especially liked ‘Carving the Future’ with its message of successfully sorting out environmental issues at a local level.  ‘Albatrocity’ was also a big hit with its natural history theme shot in the subantarctic region.   And of course the surfing short, ‘First Light’ was a winner. Unfortunately it was not possible to arrangea repeat screening as the movie road trip heads off to Auckland next, before going to Opotiki and then Gisborne.   Guy and Iain have promised to return next year with their next batch of movies.

Carving the Future- a film by Nick Holmes & Guy Ryan

The Old School Arts Centre has announced that it will be running movies on a regular monthly basis this year on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7.30pm.   In February the movie will be the British comedy winner, ‘In the Loop’.

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