Movie Preview: Your Sister’s Sister

by Susan Guenther, Raglan Old School Arts Centre

Emily Blunt and Mark Duplass in Your Sisters Sister
Emily Blunt and Mark Duplass in Your Sisters Sister

A humorous twisting tale of romantic mayhem emerges from heartache and grief, forming the premise of this dramatic comedy.

Jack (Mark Duplass), still struggling with the emotional sorrow of his brother’s death a year before, is offered a time of solace and solitude. His best friend, Iris (Emily Blunt) offers Jack the use of her family’s remote island cabin.

But this refuge from the world is interrupted by Hannah (Rosemarie DeWitt), Iris’s sister, herself seeking shelter from the emotional turmoil of an abruptly ended seven-year relationship. Not unexpectedly for the viewer, they find solace in each other’s unexpected presence. Sibling rivalry then complicates the tale as Iris herself suddenly arrives at the cabin.

Over the space of a few days in this isolated retreat off the coast of Washington State an emotional tale of interweaving relationships is played out.  The three main characters are amusing, expressive and revealing in all their awkwardness and personal insecurities.

Your Sister’s Sister’ is an entertaining comedy about the convoluted relationships between a man, his best friend and his best friend’s sister.

8.00pm Saturday 20 October and 4.30pm Sunday 21 October. M (sex scenes and violence) 90mins

Raglan Old School Arts Centre in Stewart St.  For reserves phone 825 0023 or Email

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