More votes for lower footbridge


Kids jumping from the current Kopua footbridge


A poll run by the Raglan Website in January found that most people would prefer a lower Kopua footbridge.  A press release issued by the Waikato District Council states that the bottom of the new bridge will be 800mm higher on the underside than the current bridge.  The new bridge is currently being designed by Aurecon. Waikato District Council accepted a $347,000 tender from Aurecon for the design of a replacement Kopua footbridge in Raglan. Aurecon (formerly Connell Wagner) won the contract from five tenders, with its price about 19 per cent of the expected total cost of the bridge. Within its price, Aurecon is budgeting about $60,000 for the cost of consents and a further $22,000 for certification.   The replacement bridge will follow the profile of the current one and will be placed about 10m north of the existing bridge to allow the bridge to remain open during construction.

The project is expected to cost $2.8m with $200,000 allocated to the removal of the existing bridge.

Of the 46 people completing the survey only nine people indicated they supported the proposed bridge design.  A similar number (ten) indicated that they opposed the new design.   In this type of self-completion survey, the normal pattern is that they are mainly completed by people who strongly support or strongly oppose the proposition.   The results of this survey are unusual in that 26 people said they would support the new design if it was lower.  i.e.  More people support a lower bridge of a similar design than the total number who oppose or support the current design.

When asked about the survey results, Councillor Clint Baddeley said,  “I don’t have anything to add, my focus is on getting the new Bridge built on time and on budget.”

January 2020 Raglan Website Footbridge Survey

What is your view about the Waikato District Council/ Aurecon design for the replacement Kopua footbridge?

  • Support new design if height lower (57%, 26 Votes)
  • Oppose new design (22%, 10 Votes)
  • Support new design (20%, 9 Votes)
  • Neutral about new design (1%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 46

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