Meeting of RCB on Tuesday 3rd Dec

Summary and analysis of agenda provided by:

Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Inc.

Registered no.1912150

from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email
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Christmas coming, and an unusually long RCB agenda, plus submissions due on Rangitahi Plan Change, seabed mining (see below) and a referendum on asset sales (post by 12 Dec). The next Board meeting is at the new later time and earlier day of Tuesday 3 December at 6pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum (its future is on the agenda) starts at 5.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues.

The 93 page agenda is at Items on the agenda include –

  1. Raglan spatial plan – projects for RCB to prioritise from ‘Raglan Naturally’ –

    a) footpath to Whale Bay “Project is facing significant feasibility issues” [not explained why it can’t be above new sewage pipe, despite having a 4 year budget]

    b) footpaths – Stewart St 2013, Gilmour St 2014, Cliff St 2020, Simon Rd – funding rejected by Finance Committee – suggest submit to 2014/15 Annual Plan – no money for new footpaths

    c) cycle lanes to be reviewed 2015/16; mountain bike track on Wainui Reserve; WDC supports converting Raglan West to Poihakena footpath to joint use cycleway, but the “small financial contribution” is not in the plan

    d) sewage “discharge to land is not financially viable”. “Resource consent is due to be reviewed.”

    e) Wainui Rd bridge due for renewal 2041

    f) bus – “There is now a Sunday bus”, Te Uku-Whale Bay – no funding in plan

    g) CBD parking within road reserve – some in James St 2013/14, Wallis St 2016/17

    h) Wharf boat parking – “rejected by the community”

    i) power undergrounding – “not financially achievable”

    j) broadband – “Potential to extend services via the 4G network.”

    k) Whale Bay water supply – no progress [not explained why not being done with sewage pipe]

    l) kerb & channel – $150,000 in 2014/15 on Norrie Av, Point St, James St

    m) reserves – plan new walkways and car park upgrades $44,000 Wainui 2014/15, cost to open paper road from Wainui to Karioi “estimated to significantly exceed” $70,000 budget

    n) fruit trees – WEC has asked for WDC support, Oram Park planted 2011

    o) swimming pool – working with swimming club – feasibility study complete – no funding proposed in plan

    p) recreation centre – campground at proposal stage

    q) paintball – withdrawn from Wainui Reserve “Management Plan in 1998”

    r) cinema – “could potentially be subsidised” [no mention of Old School]

    s) indoor skate park – “could be private enterprise”

    t) dune and riparian planting – WRC has primary responsibility

    u) more funding for Harbour Care – $20,000 pa withdrawn

    v) renewable energy – not a WDC responsibility

    w) palm tree replacements for Bow St growing in Oram Park

    x) plant more natives – “ongoing”

    y) more rural recycling and bins – recycling can be extended in response to demand

    z) Raglan West civil defence – only 1 group recommended for whole of Raglan

    1. better dog control – “ongoing”

    2. ban cars on Bow St – no plans

    3. 70kph to Whale Bay – limited by road quality

    4. judder bar in Norrie Av – all options will be investigated

    5. wider paths to pass mobility scooters on 3 bridges route and safety barrier on Wainui Rd – will investigate

    6. widen Wainui Rd to bridge – will review

    7. more open representation – RCB & Cr should review “if this is considered an issue”

    8. no chain stores – depends on community support for such stores

    9. limit subdivisions – enough capacity for growth to 2061 – community has opportunity to be involved in Rangitahi Plan change

    10. jobs – District Plan review can amend business zoning, but not employment

    11. industrial area – light industry locations “could be investigated”

    12. increase minimum section size – can be addressed in District Plan review

    13. reduce rates – “This is unachievable at present without cutting services.”

    14. increased support for events – could come from RCB fund

    15. affordable housing – “any District Plan change could result in wider issues”

    16. refurbish town hall and toilets – could increase targeted rate – “a seismic assessment is being completed on the Town Hall”

    17. partnership with tangata whenua – WDC “is actively engaged with Waikato-Tainui, Ngaati Maahanga, Poihakena Marae and other groups. Planned discussions to set up a Raglan Iwi Liaison Committee fell through.

    Spatial plan to be investigated based on ‘Raglan Naturally’ concepts which could include –

      1. new play areas – Kopua upgrade planned in 2014

      2. more planting on subdivisions

      3. protect views – assessment likely to be costly

      4. Design Guidelines / crime prevention / character / historic buildings

      5. 2-storey limit

      6. larger CBD / more shops

      7. limit Raglan growth

      8. harbour free of commercial buildings

      9. extend Park Dr industrial area

      10. village green – carpark was formed “due to public pressure”

      11. Cliff St one way

    1. Nau Mai industrial area Tasman Lands wants rezoned to light industrial [September Finance Committee agreed to give $50,000 “towards finalizing the Raglan Industrial issue”]

    2. Long term plan priorities –possibilities include – junior soccer shed – WDC wants to use rugby ground, 1 Wi Neera St externally funded project with Museum to use (maybe toy library) and sign path from footbridge to Old School, Main Rd stage 2 2017/18, Lorenzen Bay esplanade, repaint water tower mural, Cross St archery area.

    3. Whale Bay sewage – being put on upper side of road to avoid slips (4 in 4 years).

    4. Footbridge sculpture signs still due to be completed mid November.

    5. CRM reports – slow responses on rubbish (40%), noise (47%), reserves (50%) and stormwater (64%).

    6. Discretionary fund has $19,130 to give away. RSA want $2,000 for ANZAC day and Raglan Community Radio $3,500 mainly for rent.

Let me know if you think WED should be taking up other issues not on the agenda. There’s still been no discussion about the oil rig or seabed mining application. There’s an opportunity to discuss these at the Kokiri Centre, Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive from 11am on Sunday 8 December.

KASM is about to release a draft submission form we can use to oppose seabed mining. Make sure you get it by registering at and submit before 19 Dec. Letters could also be sent to Raglan’s MP, Shane Ardern (, asking him why Anadarko’s oil spill response plan is not being released until 13 December, when the Government will issue more drilling permits to the oil companies.

WDC’s 26 Nov Finance Committee had a report (page 80 of noting complaints about oil consultation, but just received the report. WDC says it’s, “not a council responsibility”, but that RCB could take it on. However, the report isn’t on the RCB agenda.
Submissions on the Rangitahi plan change close on Fri 13. A meeting has been organised at 2pm in the Town Hall Supper Room on Saturday 7 December to help with submissions (the documents at total about 3cm thick, including a well-researched history of Rangitahi and Raglan at
Although the Coastal Reserves Committee met on 12 October, there’s no mention of it on the agenda.

Hope to see you soon.

Merry Christmas (if you’ve time for it!)

John Lawson



The Community Board members are:-

Bob Macleod

Boyde Turongo Dixon 021 299 2203

Matt Holl

Clint Baddeley (councillor)

One thought on “Meeting of RCB on Tuesday 3rd Dec”

  1. At a pre meeting of the community board last night It was agreed that all correspondence goes direct to the Chairperson then to staff to comment prior to the meeting or being placed on the Agenda.

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