Meeting of Raglan Community Board coming up

Notes on Raglan Community Board agenda provided by

Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated

Registered no.1912150

from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866

The next Board meeting is Tuesday 11 December at 3pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 2.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues, but you can also use the Community Board’s Facebook page, or email members who are:-

Rodger Gallagher

Bob Macleod

Alan Vink

Barry Ashby

Terry Horn

Linda Cole

Clint Baddeley (councillor)


The full agenda is at

Items on the agenda include –

  1. Bow St reseal report on decision (full report pp15-17
  2. Community Board targeted rate WDC set a targeted rate to cover “the direct costs” of Boards. WDC now says this is to cover salaries and discretionary funds, that it was calculated on the basis of the Town Hall rate and is now found to be 438 properties short, as the boundaries are different! WDC suggests RCB could cut the discretionary fund by $6,931, or that yesterday’s Representation Review hearing may result in a larger RCB area (I appealed against WDC’s proposal not to extend the RCB area to the ward boundary).
  3. Discretionary fund has $6,477 – next applications by Fri 8 March.
  4. Mileage and expenses WDC recommends RCB pay for members going to council meetings from discretionary fund.
  5. Annual Plan RCB workshop arranged – asked to review priorities listed as –

1 iwi liaison committee (WDC will discuss)

2 junior soccer storage shed (WDC say no budget – intend to use rugby ground facilities – $10,000 rugby subsoil drain tender)

3 footpaths (WDC say no new paths, only maintenance and minor improvement)

4 Whaanga sewage (start 2013)

5 lighting/Norrie Av speed restriction/Wainui Rd crash barrier (WDC plans $100,000 lighting including Marine Pde, James St parking, Norrie Av & Point St kerb & channel – RCB prefers swales)

6 Wainui Reserve – Ngarunui carpark sealing 2010/11 – carpark renewals $11,034, bridge widening 2011/12 – $88,276 retaining wall repair tendered ($44,000 in budget – no explanation of reference to past years, $12,492 being spent on farmhouse insulation and heating, $22,070 walk track design completed)

7 Town Hall rate increase to $30 for public toilets, heaters, seats (WDC investigating)

8 CBD parking (await CBD Spatial Plan)

9 heated pool (work on feasibility study begun)

10 Wainui Rd footpath (will be built with sewage scheme)

11 Karioi walkway from north (WDC water agenda says budget $80,512, but total cost $1m, so will ask RCB about alternative projects)

12 Raglan West-Riria Kereopa Memorial Dr upgrade footpath to cycleway

13 1 Wi Neera St renovation

14 Te Kopua sports complex

15 better bus service (12-15 not in WDC plan)

16 widen Bow St paths (2016/17)

17 Cliff St 1-way (await CBD Spatial Plan)

18 Wainui Rd junctions (WDC investigating)

19 Main Rd (2015/16)

20 James St (2013/14)

21 Stewart/Gilmour (2015/16)

22 Lorenzen Bay esplanade

23 Wi Neera-Old School footpath signing

24 jetty (2015/16).

  1. Bus Hills Rd bus shelter moved away from slip. Waiting for road design for Raglan West shelter (started 2009). Emails sent about Sunday bus (Sunday bus 16 Dec – 6 Feb only a trip from Hamilton and back).
  2. AroAro $10,000 planting started.
  3. Puriri Park seawall repair $21,444 design started.
  4. Te Kopua domain $55,174 road repair design started.
  5. Furniture replacement ‘issued’ for Cliff St $5,205 and Joyce Petchell Park $10,410.
  6. Sewage camp ground $30,000 pump design started, $100,000 design started on septic tank sewage works, $25,000 work underway for process analysis, $110,000 booster pump design started.
  7. Water meters $400,000 installed from January. Water treatment plant upgrade to go to tender January. $150,000 Greenslade Rd mains to be laid early 2013. $11,000 new connections underway. $70,000 design underway to boost Te Hutewai Rd fire hydrants. $260,950 design started on reticulation renewal, but other mains postponed to March.
  8. Cross St stormwater $45,000 work to be complete mid December. $329,486 stormwater work “on hold until consultation with residents . . . late March”.
  9. Wharf Raglan Seafoods lease $45,000pa, Soul Shoes $18,800pa (2 still empty). Additional budget needed for phone lines to be installed.
  10. Belchers Quarry, Cornwall Rd grazing lease $1070 for 4 years.
  11. Civil Defence staff to attend meeting.
  12. PapanuiPoint negotiating for $110,000 purchase of access and car park $247,571 (2018).
  13. CRM July-October report shows comparison with other wards – Raglan highest for reports about address changes (40), road marking (6) and walkways (9).
  14. Raglan Office & Library “alternative development” options being considered.
  15. Coastal Reserves Committee – minutes 12 Nov and there’s a Supper Room meeting 5.30pm Mon 10 Dec.

Let me know if you think WED should be taking up any other issues, such as the CBD Spatial Plan, which was reported to Finance Committee in September, but the agenda only mentions parking and Cliff St. Should WED try to publicise the targeted rate, maybe with some humour, eg 438 houses lost – reward for anyone finding them lurking in the back of a paddock, or winning an appeal?


John Lawson

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