Meet the Candidates changed to accommodate Mr Vink

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Raglan Residents & Ratepayers has advised that to accommodate a request by Raglan Ward candidate Mr Alan Vink, that they have moved the date of the Meet the Candidates to the same day of their AGM, 14 September 2013.

Meet the Candidates will be held in the Town Hall at 10.00 am on 14 September.

And the AGM is still at 1.00pm at the Fire Station Hall.

President Bob MacLeod says he is sorry for this inconvenient date change, but this has been brought about by trying to book a different date for the Town hall.

Bob MacLeod
Raglan Residents & Ratepayers

One thought on “Meet the Candidates changed to accommodate Mr Vink

  1. Meet the candidates has been a tradition for the Raglan Residents and Ratepayers to get the candidates in the Town Hall and for the community to put questions of concern and too address past progress on issues that impact on our community.

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