May 24: Oi Night – May season monitoring

Hello volunteers and supporting landowners and backyard trappers!

Another new moon brings the Oi onto our coastline this month. We’ll be continuing our monitoring of the Oi, and also offering a chance to learn about Oi and come along to possibly hear or see the birds.

Oi, aka Grey-Faced Petrel, is one of the few burrowing petrels to still survive on the New Zealand mainland, and Oi come to the Raglan coastline to breed every winter. - Image Karioi Maunga
Oi, aka Grey-Faced Petrel, is one of the few burrowing petrels to still survive on the New Zealand mainland, and Oi come to the Raglan coastline to breed every winter. – Image Karioi Maunga

Oi, aka Grey-Faced Petrel, is one of the keystone species for our project. Oi are one of the few burrowing petrels to still survive on the New Zealand mainland, and we’re very lucky to have Oi coming to the Raglan coastline to breed every winter.

This is your chance to learn more about the Oi, what Karioi Maunga are doing to monitor and protect them and get a chance to see the Oi at night.

Oi Night!

Meet at the Raglan Library to learn more, and then head out to the coastline to hopefully experience the birds firsthand! Bring warm clothes, rain gear, and a thermos if you’d like. Oi are most likely to come in around the darkest, windiest, stormiest days, so we will not cancel for bad weather! But make sure you dress to be in the elements.

If you can’t make Wednesday, we’ll be going out Monday, Weds and Friday throughout this new moon period, until the end of June.
Oi Night!

Wednesday May 24th

Meet at Raglan Library 7pm for a short presentation

Head out to beach 7:30pm

RSVP please to Bexie Towle

– Bexie

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