May 19: Raglan Airfield Public Meeting

Raglan Airfield update from Alan Vink

As I earlier indicated I have decided to proceed with the idea of convening a Public Meeting in the Raglan Town Hall. This will be an opportunity for local residents and ratepayers to gather and discuss the issues surrounding the proposed safety of our Airfield. 

It will not be a meeting for rants but rather constructive comments and solution focused ideas. I will ask a WDC representative to speak for a few minutes to give us an update and status report. I have already written to the CAA with a few questions.

It would be very helpful if a pilot who uses the airfield and who is a Raglan resident could attend. Can someone help me with that? 


Date: Wednesday 19th May, 2021

Time: 7.30-9.00pm

Venue: Town Hall Supper Room


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