Green Party MP Denise Roche is hosting a public meeting in Raglan on May 16 to discuss phasing out the use of plastic bags and creating a plastic-bag free New Zealand.
When: Saturday 16 May 2015 at 12:00pm,
Where: The Raglan House, Bow St (renamed Community House)
Who: Green Party MP Denise Roche, Rachael Goddard and Matt and Andy
The meeting will hear about initiatives underway to reduce their usage in the community and chart a course to create a plastic-bag free New Zealand.
“New Zealanders are changing their behaviours and are trying to reduce their plastic bag use, but we need Government to catch up and show leadership too that ensures polluting plastic bags are phased out,” said Green Party waste spokesperson Denise Roche
“Plastic bags are bad for our environment. They often end up in the sea and have been known to be digested by whales and dolphins.
“Plastic bags are unnecessary. There are safer alternatives that help protect our environment. This meeting is about building a plan to create a plastic bag free New Zealand.”
The forum will also feature your candidates for the Community Board election. So you may want to come before deciding who to vote for.
Kelly Clarkson, PJ Haworth and Lisa Thomson have been invited to speak at the meeting. It is not apparent from the ballot paper, but, as reported in last week’s Chronicle, the other two candidates, Barry Ashby and Peter Storey, said in Peter’s words, “For my money I would definitely vote for these guys”, indicating these three younger first-time candidates.