May 12: Community Board Meeting

This summary of the agenda and commentary provided by:

Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated Registered no.1912150
from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email
RaglanTownHallIMG_3089The next Board meeting is Tuesday 12 May at 2pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 1.30pmgiving an opportunity to discuss issues.

The agenda is at–Agenda.aspx. Items on the agenda include –

  1. District Plan review consultation 3-7pm Town Hall Tue 2 June and 2-6pm Wed 3 Te Uku Hall. First stage of revising the planning rules.

  2. Sewage plant improvements listed with planned dates. “A small group is working on a goal of zero outflow” [see the discussions at]

  3. Cliff St rocks are slipping” – last reported as “underway”, but now “Waikato Regional Council is putting together an erosion strategy to deal with this as its happening all along Cliff St . . . staff assume it may take some time. A sight rail has been installed in the area of concern.”

  4. Marine Pde / Wainui Rd footpath “programmed to be completed in March”

  5. “The Board would like to hold a workshop during the winter to look at options to solve the long term parking issues.”

  6. Rangitahi development – hearing adjourned till at least July for engineers reports on Opotoru Rd.

  7. Policing over Christmas and New Year discussion.

  8. Cemetery policy – 18 page draft for consultation.

  9. Coastal Reserves Committee minutes of 9/3 and 13/4, recommend Manu Bay Breakwater option to RCB (next meeting 5.30pm Mon 15 June Supper Room).

  10. Caitlin Metz from Vodafone will talk about the Tasman Global Access Cable.

  11. Ultrafast Broadband and Rural Broadband Initiative – Registration of Interest.

  12. WDC Development Strategy – agriculture, forestry & fishing formed 27.2% of income in WDC in 2013. Tourism less than 2%.

  13. Discretionary fund has $9,584 (some unclaimed grants go back to 2012 – “Staff advise that no invoices have been received from Raglan Chronicle” for LTP consultation last October). Environment Centre wants $4,390.80 for coordinator time, garden shed and T-shirts.

Should WED be taking up these, or any other issues? There is still no report on a heated swimming pool and no mention of items previously left unresolved, such as a water meter cost/benefit analysis, Waingaro Hot Springs, footbridge signs, or Freedom camping (a report was to go to the February meeting) and no progress is reported on a tsunami evacuation plan. The District Plan review could be an opportunity to revive the Structure Plan.
You can also contact the Community Board members to discuss this, they are:-

Alan Vink                     

Bob Macleod               

Boyde Turongo Dixon            021 299 2203

Matt Holl                      

Clint Baddeley (councillor)



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