Mar 8: Raglan Community Board Meeting

This summary of the agenda prepared by Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated Registered no.1912150, from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

The next Board meeting is Tuesday 8 March at 2pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 1.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues,

The agenda is at

Items on the agenda include –

  1. West Coast Tsunami Study – Jose Borreo and Adam Munro will explain the report that the highest likely wave would come from Puysegur, with up to 2.4 m to the north of the harbour and less than 1m in most of the harbour, but flooding of the Domain about 5hrs after the earthquake if it arrives at high tide.

  2. Freedom Camping Bylaw – prior to writing a bylaw, feedback is being sought on problems or issues. Council can only prohibit camping to protect the area, health and safety, or protect access (LGNZ suggest councils collect evidence, including the number of complaints about vandalism, damage to indigenous fauna, litter and amenity values. Residents & Ratepayers are asking for a public workshop)

  3. Walking and trails strategy – public consultation in April/May (see 6 at end of this email).

  4. Wainui Reserve walking track – still waiting for email about completion date of the signs.

  5. Wainui Rd to Karioi track – engagement with landowners still about to commence.

  6. Carparks contractor to visit Violet St, Norrie Ave near school & Stewart St with RCB Chair. No update on larger parking sign for James St.

  7. Wi-fi at i-Site inconsistent and intermittent “due to technical issues”  (library wi-fi covers a larger part of CBD from late Dec).

  8. Service request report 1 Sep – 26 Feb 88% completed within planned times, including 232 LIM requests (100% on time) and 176 planning enquiries (79%). 4 Environmental Health, 3 sewage alarms, 1 sewer blockage, 4 major water leaks, 1 road safety and 17 Unauthorised Activity items not dealt with in time (0%).

  9. Vacancy on BoardPJ Haworth to be sworn in.

  10. Verbal reports on Council, Coastal Reserves 15 Feb meeting, bus workshop, Planning for Growth and Economic Development Strategy, Board and Stakeholder Relationships, CBD plan, Civil Defence, Cultural Liaison, Placemaking and Communications.

  11. Discretionary fund has $17,139. Community House wants $2,000 for suicide prevention and awareness workshop.

  12. Raglan Naturally Projects update as requested by RCB –

    1. boardwalk from town to Whale Bay – “Staff will investigate”

    2. Cliff Street footpath to the wharf – Programmed for 2019/20

    3. footpath on Stewart and Gilmour Streets – no scheduled upgrades

    4. bicycle lanes – Trails Strategy is being developed (see below)

    5. sewage – discharge to land is not financially viable

    6. Wainui Bridge – widening study proposed, cost of pedestrian safety rails is excessive

    7. bus service – working on a business case to consider improved services

    8. underground all power in Raglan – not financially achievable without support from WEL Networks

    9. water supply to Whale Bay for fire protection – no progress

    10. wharf at end of James St – no change

    11. toilets – Town Hall toilet upgrade outside the current LTP, sunny dunny to be installed at Ruapuke beach

    12. redesign Manu Bay with cars at the back – upgraded in 2008/09

    13. indoor swimming pool – no budget at present

    14. recreation centre with activities for young people – no plans

    15. planting to prevent erosion – Council works with Whaingaroa Harbour Care and the Dune Protection Group

    16. funding for Whaingaroa Harbour – WDC has withdrawn the $20,000 p/a

    17. alternative energy – not a Council responsibility

    18. protection of views – no requirement to protect views in general

    19. fruit trees in public places – Environment Centre has initiated a project

    20. recycling bins – can continue to be extended at cost

    21. day care centre – not a Council responsibility

    22. security cameras – skate bowl and surf club discussed by RCB and Police

    23. 40km outside Te Uku School – did not meet NZTA requirements

    24. no cars in main street – no plans for this at present

    25. 70km south from Upper Wainui – does not require a speed limit change

    26. judder bar in Norrie Ave – can be investigated

    27. pushchair friendly around three bridges – planners to investigate

    28. widen Wainui Rd between town and one way bridge – will be considered

    29. two storey limit in the CBD – part of the District Plan Review

    30. heritage – part of the District Plan Review

    31. limit the growth of Raglan – Future Proof will need to take account of Rangitahi rezoning

    32. harbour free of commercial buildings – part of Plan Change 14

    33. jobs for young people – developing an Economic Development Prospectus

    34. moratorium on new development applications until a Structure Plan is in place – not a legally viable option

    35. village green at the bottom of Bow Street to link the town with the sea – converted to car parks (due to public pressure) – can be addressed through the district plan review or Place Making

    36. reduce rates – unachievable without cutting services

    37. support for local cultural events – could be funded by Community Board Discretionary Fund

    38. more affordable housing, especially for senior citizens – provision within the DP to undertake comprehensive development could be reviewed

    39. work in partnership with Tangata Whenua – Council is actively engaged with Waikato-Tainui, Poihakena Marae and other groups.

Two reports are shown as withdrawn from the agenda and Community Board Survey report received last month is included again this month!

The Infrastructure Committee meets on the morning of the RCB meeting. Their agenda ( includes –

  1. Passenger Transport – preparation of business cases for Raglan and North Waikato services.

  2. Waikato Integrated Land Transport Study – WDC has 1,812km of sealed road and 608km unsealed, with 209km in urban areas. Te Uku-Ruapuke road shown as high risk, Wainui Rd as medium. A page and a half of the 41 pages covers buses, trains, walking and cycling. RCB will be consulted.

  3. Pre-sealing repairs – still to be done in Raglan – to be completed in March in conjunction with the re-seal.

  4. Raglan sewage – part compliance with consents in 2014/15 due to pumping outside hours and high bacteria and suspended solids.

  5. Neighbourhood Parks Reserve Management Plan – submissions in April. Oram and Warihi parks, and Bay View Rd, Puriri St and Whale Bay reserves are the only Raglan reserves mentioned.

  6. Trails strategy – draft report proposes consultation with ‘stakeholders’, including local groups, but not in Whaingaroa. Lists types of trails ranging from wheelchair accessible to unmarked for walkers, cyclists and horses, but objective says “Trails will be built to a high standard” with “minimum width of 1.5 metres”.

There are also several other recent council documents, including a report on Raglan i-Site in—agenda—23-february-2016.pdf?sfvrsn=0, a draft Plaques, Memorials and Monuments Policy (as Raglan risks “becoming over memorialised” – consultation with RCB only), a proposed WDC sewage bylaw (including a ban on sewage “likely to contain genetically altered material from Premises where the genetic alteration of any material is conducted” – submissions to be invited)—agenda-part-2—16-february-2016.pdf?sfvrsn=0, WRC funding for Surf Lifesaving and Plastic Bag Free Raglan and bus patronage at, Raglan bus contract options—agenda—9-february-2016.pdf?sfvrsn=0, cost of bus contract extensions at , freeze on bus fares, weed control in Raglan, West Coast Zone Plan and revision of the Regional Plan in 2017 – “Environment Court has noted the complexity and permissiveness of Waikato regional rules, and a map showing the extent of flooding with sea level rises of up to 5 metres –

The 2015/16 bus statistics from these reports are –



% change

buses per week

average per bus

PTOM cost $



























Te Awamutu































Should WED be taking up these, or any other issues? There’s no mention of items previously left unresolved, such as Waingaro Hot Springs (now open), TPPA, Digital Enablement Plan.

Do you think you could do better? Local election nominations are in July and elections in Sep/Oct; in the last two elections WDC has had the lowest voter turnout in the country, so you could win by getting the third who vote in parliamentary elections (but not local elections) voting for you!

Hope to see you on Tuesday and on Dolphin Day, the next Saturday.



You can also items on the agenda by contacting the Community Board members who are:-

Alan Vink;

Bob MacLeod;

Boyd Turongo Dixon 021 299 2203;

Clint Baddeley ;

Kelly Clarkson;

Lisa Thomson

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